BREAKING Leaked photo of a crowd of Klingons from the set of Star Trek Discovery

Social media is all abuzz today after a local Toronto actor, who we can assume was hired to be a Klingon extra on the set of Discovery, seemed to have taken a bold risk and snuck a quick camera snap of a gaggle of Klingons waiting to go on set. The image was quickly pulled, but as… Leer más BREAKING Leaked photo of a crowd of Klingons from the set of Star Trek Discovery

Han Solo Movie to Introduce First Female Droid in Star Wars?

Do droids have genders? Sure, human actors play many of the droid roles in the various Star Wars movies. And droids like K-2SO and C-3PO have distinctly male voices. But are they sexual beings? That’s a question fans have long pondered, and the answer may be revealed in next year’s Han Solo: A Star Wars… Leer más Han Solo Movie to Introduce First Female Droid in Star Wars?


La irrupción de Netflix en el mercado español ha sido como un terremoto. Su ambicioso plan de adquisiciones y producción propia ha hecho que muchos títulos llegasen a nuestro país. Y la cosa continuará así durante 2017. En lo que va de año ya hemos disfrutado iBoy, la película en la que un adolescente se… Leer más UN VISTAZO A LAS NOVEDADES QUE OFRECERÁ NETFLIX EN ESPAÑA EN 2017